Who We Are

MVFD serves the greater area of Masontown, West Virginia with Fire Rescue, Rope Rescue, Vehicular Extrication, Swift Water, EMS, and more. Located in the western portion of Preston County, Masontown is home to mountainous terrain and farmland. With dense residential areas and rural homesteads, the area’s composition is remarkably diverse.  The Cheat River and Bull Run territory reside within its first due.

Meet Our Officers

Fire Chief, Dan Luzier

Contact: 304-212-8606

Assistant Chief, Patrick Blosser

Contact: 304-212-8938

Captain, Charles Curtis

Contact: 304-288-7119

President, Eric Belldina

Contact: 304-276-5066

Vice President, John Hartman

Engineer, Secretary, Treasurer, and County Representative, Don Witt

County Representative, Jacob Kesner

Preston County First Responders

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